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Jumat, 30 April 2010

Daftar 10 Bintang Film Box Office di Bawah Usia 21 th

Daftar 10 Bintang Film Box Office di Bawah Usia 21 th Menurut Forbes

No. 10: Emma Roberts

She is the tenth highest-grossing box office star under the age of 21, according to Forbes. Her films, including “Hotel for Dogs,” have taken in a combined 127 million U.S. dollars in worldwide box office earnings.[Photo: China Daily/Agencies]

No. 9: Saoirse Ronan

Her films have earned 191 million dollars at the box office. Credits include “Atonement” and “The Lovely Bones”.[Photo: China Daily/Agencies]

No. 8: Miley Cyrus

Her films have earned 226 million dollars at the box office. Credits include “Hannah Montana: The Movie”.[Photo: China Daily/Agencies]

No. 7: Emma Stone

Her films have earned 350 million dollars at the box office. Credits include “Superbad” and “Zombieland”.[Photo: China Daily/Agencies]

No. 6: Michael Cera

His films have earned 513 million dollars at the box office. Credits include “Juno” and “Superbad”.[Photo: China Daily/Agencies]

No. 5: Abigail Breslin

Her films have made 516 million dollars at the box office. Credits include “Little Miss Sunshine”.[Photo: China Daily/Agencies]

No. 4: Taylor Lautner

His films have earned 900 million dollars at the box office. Credits include “Twilight” and “New Moon”.[Photo: China Daily/Agencies]

No. 3: Kristen Stewart

Her films have earned 1.5 billion dollars at the box office. Credits include “Into the Wild” and “Twilight”.[Photo: China Daily/Agencies]

No. 2: Dakota Fanning

Her films have earned 2 billion dollars in worldwide box office receipts. Credits include “I Am Sam” and “War of the Worlds”.[Photo: China Daily/Agencies]

No. 1: The “Harry Potter” teens (Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson)

They are the top under-21 box office earners with a total worldwide take of 4.4 billion dollars.[Photo: China Daily/Agencies]

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